Kent CA 12 Hour Time Trial Details

This takes place on Sunday 5th September 2021 – big time trials often start around 6am; we start one minute after each other but I don’t yet know my start time.

There is no riding together or in one another’s slipstream, so very much a solo effort while trying  to avoid being distracted by other riders’ speeds ( I expect to get passed continuously though hopefully not too often by many of my own age)

The route consists of a number of circuits – generally speaking we race in an anti-clockwise direction, most changes of direction happen at roundabouts. . I’m aiming for an average overall speed of around 15mph – that’s including stops so my actual riding speed should be higher.

Start is at the green arrow – the start (this is very near a roundabout and is the “hub” which we pass constantly).

  •  We first head north (A2070) and then double back to the start (18 miles appx)
  • Rye Circuit 1 and 2: Then head north west (B2080) for a bit then south (Military Road) to Rye then north again (A259) back to the start (now approx 35 miles). Repeat once ( approx 53 miles)
  • Rye/Camber Circuit: Repeat the above again but, this time, only as far as Brookland roundabout (74 miles) where we double back on the A259 (heading south) to Rye  where we now head south west (Camber Road), then through Lydd (Lydd Road, Jury’s Gap Road, Tourney Road, Robin Hood Lane, Ness Road, B2075)  towards New Romney and back to the start on A259 (90 miles)
  • Camber Circuit: Continue south on the A259 to Rye then through Lydd (Lydd Road, Jury’s Gap Road, Tourney Road, Robin Hood Lane, Ness Road, B2075) and back to the start on A259 (as Rye/Camber Circuit above. This is circuit  of about 21 miles which we can race up to 6 times (I’m guessing I’ll only do it once or twice before a cut off time operates) coming past the start each time
  • Finishing Circuit: This is the shorter loop from the start, heading north west then west, then the “short cut” back to the A259, back through Brookland to the start – and repeat as many times as necessary  (about 10 miles per circuit) until my 12 hours are up and am told to stop (unlikely to be at the red marker)

The elevation profile shows a single hill early on – but where there are few hills there is normally wind, which I’ve known to be savage in that area!

Now, the winner will ride well over 300 miles but is likely to be a lot younger than me! I rode 213 miles 50 years ago and I’m giving myself a handicap of 1 mile per year – so I’m aiming for about 163 miles, but much depends on weather and traffic conditions.

For more detail, try clicking on “View Full Version” – top left corner of the map.

Wahoo Live Track Link – Might be a previous ride if I’m not currently riding

Recent rides (you’ll need to be signed into Strava to see more detail)


Finally, here is my contingency plan in the event of a Wahoo failure – it should show you where I am, but, sadly, not much more! (Click on an arrow for more detail though probably only the time is of any real use). The cyclist icon should show my latest position; but the circuits and straight lines between points do make it a bit difficult to understand. I’ll aim to update this page with the results, eventually! It updates every 5 minutes or so (a mile and a bit) during a ride.